About CAML in Sharepoint?

What is CAML in Sharepoint?
CAML is Collaborative Application Markup Language and is an XML-based query language that is used in SharePoint. CAML is used to querying, build and customize the SharePoint sites.
Writing CAML Query
CAML root element is <Query>. CAML query has 2 parts
1.       Sort  (For sorting use <OrderBy>) 
2.        Filter
 (For filter use <Where>)
 Basic syntax for CAML query
< [Operator]>
              <FieldRef Name=’ [Title]’/><Value Type=’ [Data Type] ‘> [Value] </Value>
</ [Operator]> 

Operators in CAML
 Logical Operators
Comparison Operators
Eq =Equals
Neq =Not equal
Gt=Greater than
Geq =Greater than or equal
Lt =Lower than
Leq =Lower than or equal too
IsNull = is null
IsNotNull = is not null
BeginsWith=Begins with
BeginsWith = begins with
DateRangesOverlap= compare the dates
In= value of a list item
Includes= specified field is a Lookup field that allows multiple values
Membership= filter based on the type of membership.
Group operator
    GroupBy= grouping the data
1            Filter
     <FieldRef Name='Country' />
     <Value Type='Lookup'>India</Value>
2           Sort
   <FieldRef Name=''Country' Ascending='False' />


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