
Showing posts with the label CSS

Conditional CSS or browser based CSS

Conditional CSS or browser based CSS 1.        Browser for CSS ·          'IE' - Internet Explorer ·          'Gecko' - Gecko based browsers (Firefox, Camino etc) ·          'Webkit' - Webkit based browsers (Safari, Chrome, Shiira etc) ·          'SafMob' - Mobile Safari (iPhone / iPod Touch) ·          'Opera' - Opera's browser ·          'IEMac' - Internet Explorer for the Mac ·          'Konq' - Konqueror ·          'IEmob' - IE mobile ·          'PSP' - Playstation Portable ·          'NetF' - Net Front 2.        Condition - arithmetic operator ·          lt - Less than ·          lte - Less than or equal to ·          eq - Equal to ·          gte - Greater than or equal to ·          gt - Greater then Example:               Conditional CSS syntax   [if IE] - Used if the browser is IE     [if  Gecko ] - Used if the browser is not  Firefox   [if IE 5]