
Showing posts from 2012

Implementing Zoom functionality in

Zoom functionality in 1. Write the Below code in the  <head> Tag  <script type="text/javascript">         function BrowserZoomPluse() {            nzoom = parseInt( + 30 + '%';    = nzoom ;         }         function BrowserZoomMinuse() {             nzoom = parseInt( - 10 + '%';    = nzoom ;         }         function ResetZoom() {             nzoom = parseInt(divTest.value);    = '100%';         }     </script> 2. Add the below Code inside the <body> tag <div id="divTest" style="zoom: 100%">         <div class="textsize">          <a  href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="BrowserZoomPluse();">                 Zoom + </a>                  <a  href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="BrowserZoom

Difference between Layered Architecture and N-Tier Architecture

Layered Architecture vs N-Tier Architecture Layered Architectural Style Layers are the separation of code or you can say organize your come. Layers may be residing in same computer (1 tier) or in separate computer (N- Tier). In the Application each layer communicates with other layer. For example, normally in the application following layer is defined ·                 Presentation Layer (UI) ·          Business Layer ·          Data Access Layer N-Tier Architectural Style  In the N-Tier each layer can be deployed on separate computer. In N-Tier application is logically separated into minimum three layers. Each layer is responsible for specific functionality. Example in Web application security is important so the business layer is deployed behind firewall, and presentation layer is on separate network. Advantages of a layered architecture: Layered architecture provides flexibility, maintainability, and scalability. Layered architecture parallel t

Conditional CSS or browser based CSS

Conditional CSS or browser based CSS 1.        Browser for CSS ·          'IE' - Internet Explorer ·          'Gecko' - Gecko based browsers (Firefox, Camino etc) ·          'Webkit' - Webkit based browsers (Safari, Chrome, Shiira etc) ·          'SafMob' - Mobile Safari (iPhone / iPod Touch) ·          'Opera' - Opera's browser ·          'IEMac' - Internet Explorer for the Mac ·          'Konq' - Konqueror ·          'IEmob' - IE mobile ·          'PSP' - Playstation Portable ·          'NetF' - Net Front 2.        Condition - arithmetic operator ·          lt - Less than ·          lte - Less than or equal to ·          eq - Equal to ·          gte - Greater than or equal to ·          gt - Greater then Example:               Conditional CSS syntax   [if IE] - Used if the browser is IE     [if  Gecko ] - Used if the browser is not  Firefox   [if IE 5]

How to refresh parent page on close of popup window by toolbar close button

How to refresh parent page on close of popup window by toolbar close button 1. Create a Page default.aspx <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server">     <title></title>     <script type="text/javascript">         //Method is used for Open a Url in Popup window.         function openPopup() {             open('Default2.aspx', "Page", "status=1, width=350, height=150, top=300, left=500,location=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=1,toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no");         }     </script> </head> <body>     <form id="form1" runat="server">     <a href="javascript:openPopup()">Open Popup Window</a>         </form> </body> </

Display multiple marker point on Google Map with same location or same Longitude,Latitude

 Display multiple marker point on Google Map with same location or same Longitude, Latitude <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>     <title>Google Map</title> <!-- For Google Map Style Sheet--> <style type="text/css">     #map_canvas     {         height: 450px;         width: 980px;     }     .infowindow     {         font-size: 12px;         width: 200px !important;         font-family: verdana;     }     @media print     {         #map_canvas         {             height: 950px;         }     } </style> <!-- For Google Map--> <script src=";sensor=false" type="text/javascript"></script> <!--downlaod the oms.min.js javascript file from --> <script src="JS/oms.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/java