Conditional CSS or browser based CSS

Conditional CSS or browser based CSS

1.       Browser for CSS
·         'IE' - Internet Explorer
·         'Gecko' - Gecko based browsers (Firefox, Camino etc)
·         'Webkit' - Webkit based browsers (Safari, Chrome, Shiira etc)
·         'SafMob' - Mobile Safari (iPhone / iPod Touch)
·         'Opera' - Opera's browser
·         'IEMac' - Internet Explorer for the Mac
·         'Konq' - Konqueror
·         'IEmob' - IE mobile
·         'PSP' - Playstation Portable
·         'NetF' - Net Front
2.       Condition - arithmetic operator
·         lt - Less than
·         lte - Less than or equal to
·         eq - Equal to
·         gte - Greater than or equal to
·         gt - Greater then
              Conditional CSS syntax
 [if IE] - Used if the browser is IE  
 [if Gecko] - Used if the browser is not Firefox
 [if IE 5] - Used if browser is IE 5  
 [if lte IE 6] - Used if the browser is IE 6 or less (IE 5, IE 4 etc)  
 [if gt IE 6] - Used if the browser is IE 6 or grater
How to use it
1.  <!--[if IE]>
              margin-top: -185px!important;
2.  <!--[if IE]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="IE_CSS.css" />
3.  <style>
.backTable td span
  display: -moz-inline-box;

Note: webkit,Gecko etc does not support all style. Please find out supported style.


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